Мілітарныя цацкі ХІІ - ХІІІ стст. з тэрыторыі Беларусі (да пастаноўкі праблемы)
- Астрономии
- Банковскому делу
- Биологии
- Бухучету и аудиту
- Военному делу
- Географии
- Праву
- Гражданскому праву
- Иностранным языкам
- Истории
- Коммуникации и связи
- Информатике
- Культурологии
- Литературе
- Маркетингу
- Математике
- Медицине
- Международным отношениям
- Менеджменту
- Педагогике
- Политологии
- Психологии
- Радиоэлектронике
- Религии и мифологии
- Сельскому хозяйству
- Социологии
- Строительству
- Технике
- Транспорту
- Туризму
- Физике
- Физкультуре
- Философии
- Химии
- Экологии
- Экономике
- Кулинарии
- Беларускае пытанне ў палітычнай канцэпцыі Юзафа Пілсудскага (1899 — 1908)
Юры КітуркаСнежань 1999Пасля рэвалюцыі 1917 г., калі актыўна ішлі працэсы палітычнага пераўпарадкавання тэрыторый Расійскай імперыі, бела
- English schools
English children must go to school when they are five. First they go to infant schools, where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbers.When children leave the infant school, at the age of seven, they go to junior schools un
- The commonwealth of Australia
The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth of Nations. Its territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands. It has an area of about eight million square kilometres.Th
- Moscow
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the seat of the highest bodies of state authority.Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. In the 15th century Moscow became the capital of Russian state. With the transfer of Russia's capital to St. Pet
- My daily programme
3 topicsI get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I do my morning exercises, wash myself and dress. Then I sit down to breakfast. At 8 o'clock I leave home and go to the Institute. As a rule I come to the Institute at a quarter to 9. The lessons begin
- Moscow
In March of 1918 Moscow became the capital. The supreme organs of state power and many central institutions moved to Moscow from Petrograd. It was extremely difficult in the years of the Civil war to see the image of a new city in deserted and u
- The Book I've Just Read
William Somerset Maugham's short stories are most fascinating. Not long ago I read one of his short stories, it is the story about a man who is very rich, very powerful, very intelligent, very successful in his career and yet he is most unhappy. H