Oxford's teachhing methods of english language
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Contents | 2 |
Introduction | 3 |
Theory part: The use of games | 4 |
Note-taking | 10 |
Practical part : Grammar games: | 14 |
Speed | 14 |
Spot the differences | 15 |
Tipycal questions | 16 |
Achievements | 16 |
Reported advioce | 17 |
Picture the past | 18 |
Impersonating members of a set | 18 |
No backshift | 19 |
Incomparable | 20 |
One question behind | 20 |
Sit down then | 22 |
Only if | 22 |
Two-word verbs | 23 |
The world of take | 25 |
A dictionary game | 26 |
Eyes | 27 |
Umbrella | 28 |
Listening to time | 29 |
Guess my grammar | 30 |
Puzzle stories | 30 |
Word ordwer dictation | 31 |
Grammar lessons taking notes: | 33 |
Passive voice | 33 |
Context and meaning | 34 |
Subject matter note taking | 36 |
Conclusion | 37 |
References | 38 |
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This course work presents two teaching methods widely approved in Oxfrord Universities: grammar and vocabulary games and the variations of taking notes during the lesson.
Both of methods are embodied in the theory and practical part. As a theory part I give research works of professional lavguage teachers who studied the methods they considered as useful and effective and put their opinion and reseach works on the press. I’m very grateful to them for sharing their experiences with us. So this part of my work describes the method itself, gives tests proving its effectiveness and touches some problem spots of it. Next I offer practical part containing examples of taking these methods in the classroom.
None of these methods presented here is any brand new discovery for the language teacher. Every teacher used to practice them in his/her work, there’s only a try to add something new to well known and allegedebly usual techiques (like note-taking), to study them deeper and show more interesting and useful side of them. In short words some suggestions to make them work better.
The reason I’ve chosen this theme is the wish to know more about how to make the lesson more interesting and useful at the same time. I’ve benefitted much by collectiong and studing all this material I present here and hope you’ll find this work worth reviewing.
The Use of Games
For Vocabulary Presentation and Revision
by Agnieszka Uberman
Vocabulary acquisition is increasingly viewed as crucial to language acquisition. However, there is much disagreement as to the effectiveness of different approaches for presenting vocabulary items. Moreover, learning vocabulary is often perceived as a tedious and laborious process. From my teaching experience I have noticed how enthusiastic students are about practising language by means of games. I believe games are not only fun but help students learn without a conscious analysis or understanding of the learning process while they acquire communicative competence as second language users. |
- Астрономии
- Банковскому делу
- Биологии
- Бухучету и аудиту
- Военному делу
- Географии
- Праву
- Гражданскому праву
- Иностранным языкам
- Истории
- Коммуникации и связи
- Информатике
- Культурологии
- Литературе
- Маркетингу
- Математике
- Медицине
- Международным отношениям
- Менеджменту
- Педагогике
- Политологии
- Психологии
- Радиоэлектронике
- Религии и мифологии
- Сельскому хозяйству
- Социологии
- Строительству
- Технике
- Транспорту
- Туризму
- Физике
- Физкультуре
- Философии
- Химии
- Экологии
- Экономике
- Кулинарии
- А. С. Макаренко
Будешь учителем” «У человека должна быть единственная специальность -он должен быть большим человеком, настоящим человеком» А. Макарен
- А.К. Гастев и альтернативная педагогика 20-х гг. XX века
Реферат по педагогике студентки III курса МГЛУ 304 а/в факультета ГПН Яншиной Марии Алексей Капитонович Гастев и альтернативная педагоги
- А.С. Макаренко
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