My Family
My Family
My family is large. I live together with my parents and my grandmother. And I have a sister and a brother too.
My mother’s name is Valentina. My mother is 48 years old. She has a nice appearance. She isn’t tall, she is one meter and 64 centimeter high. My mother goes in for sports, she is fit and very attractive. She has brown eyes and short curly brown hair. I look like my mother. My mother works at school, she teaches Russian literature. My mother has a sister. My aunt’s name is Larisa. She has a son Artem, so I have a cousin too.
My father’s name is Alexander. He works at a building enterprise as an architect. My father is 5 years older than my mother. He is tall and handsome. His hair is of a lighter colour than that of my mother. His eyes are blue. My sister has the same appearance.
My sister’s name is Svetlana. She is 22 years old. She likes reading and listening to the music. My sister isn’t married yet, but a good friend of hers, Denis, visits us quite often. And I think, they will marry very soon. Now Svetlana is graduating from a university. She is going to be a doctor like our grandmother.
My Grandma’s name is Marie. She is 70 years old. She likes to sit by the window with our cat in her lap. On warm days Grandma also likes to go for a walk in the nearest park with my little brother.
He is only 5 years old. His name is Ivan. He has curly brown hair of our Mum and our Dad’s blue eyes. Ivan can count and he reads fairytales already. I suspect that he looks at pictures more than reads. Ivan likes playing with his toys and our cat. He is very funny and I like him very much.
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